Sunday, July 26, 2015

A short reflection on life

Photo by Gaëlle Boissonnard

If there’s anything I’ve learned in life, it’s that I don’t know what I want.  I’ve gotten pretty proficient at pushing away what I think I want, while I’ve been yearning more for what I feel I need.  I’m learning to differentiate between the two, and I think maybe it’s the difference between listening to your heart, and listening to your soul.  The heart wants what it wants and though people always say to follow your heart, it never really served me well to follow mine.  I usually end up fighting with my head on it, and my heart ends up the worse for wear.  I used to be envious of what others had, and imagined I wanted the whole “white picket fence” thing, but I’ve come to realize I wasn’t meant for that.  I think the past eight or nine years have shown me I’m more solitary now, and recognizing that brings a certain contentedness.

Certain, but not complete.  Because while I’ve made peace with my heart, it’s my soul that I still need to answer to.  And it’s getting increasingly restless.

I’m not quoting Jon Stewart in this blog, but I am going to quote a line from the song Walk with the Night by the Silencers, because it just came across my playlist and falls into place with my thoughts and the photo I’m using:

…ghosts on a wild night whisper my name
they call to me from far away…

I think those ghosts are whispering to my soul.  They know where I’ve been and where I should be heading.  They know me inside and out because they are a part of me.  I’m going to listen to them and follow my soul, because that is the only way I will end up exactly where I’m supposed to be.
© Dahlia Ramone: July 26, 2015

This was written for Blogophilia Week 23.8
Topic: A Short Reflection on Life

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts)  Use a Jon Stewart quote (I didn’t)
(Easy, 1 pt)  Include 'white picket fences'


  1. Following your SOUL...good call, I am with you on that one!!! And I love this song, something about it reminds me of Roxy Music, who I love!! xo ~C

    1. :) I knew you'd be with me on the 'soul' thing, it leads our true journey. And I love this band, I only have one of their albums but I plan on getting them all eventually - lol!

  2. I think all of us follow our soul...sort of. It can be scary and not everyone approves.

    1. I suppose we all do, perhaps without realizing it. But I've never thought of actually being in tune with it until the past couple years. Now, it just seems more important to me to listen to it.

  3. Heeding the call of the voices our head is not always path, but it goes downhill, each and every time.

    1. Yeah, I'm always in my head way too much. It never works out well.

  4. follow the path of your soul, this is the true way to peace. great write , love it

    1. I agree, Linda. I hope to stay on that path ;) (((hugs)))

  5. I do detect a battle of sorts between the three - heart, soul and head. I'm pretty sure my head wins over my heart but the convictions of my soul keeps things in line.... at least most of the time. Thought provoking blog! Excellent. Huggs Dollface!!! Leta

    1. Oh, it's always been a battle between my head and heart. It's time I started listening to something else now - lol!


  6. Restless soul, restless spirit that lies within. One may never find peace with one's soul but that soul will lead one on many adventures during the pursuit!

    6 points Earthling! :)


    1. Oh, believe me - I am looking forward to many adventures, Marvin - it's what I'm living for. lol!

      Thanks for the points ;)

  7. I've always had trouble getting my heart and head to agree - my head is much less risk taking than my heart


    1. Yeah, I could never get them to agree either. In the end my head always won, which wasn't always a good thing :/

  8. I know what I want! Not have to work ever again and travel, travel, and travel some more. *sigh* If only it were that easy- to just wish what one wants and it becomes a reality.


    1. Oh, well YEAH - I do know I want those too! lol! To be independently wealthy and live a life of traveling wherever you want, for as long as you want...*sighs* Why is there never a genie in a bottle when you need one? ;)

  9. If following your soul to find your peace is where its at, then do it. Just remember to let God lead that soul search

  10. The journey is most definitely a challenge. Feeling every eloquent word.

  11. Do you know the song Heart full of Soul? I think it applies here!
    I will post it on a facebook status
    Blue fool

    1. No, I don't know it. But I'll go look for your post :)
