Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Everything happens for a reason



“No one can escape time.  It delivers us all to the same end.”  That’s a quote I saw in the video game Persona 3 that my daughter had me play last night.  She asked me earlier if I wanted to play a game with her, and I said “you know I’m not any good at video games.”  She replied, “oh, but you’d be good at this game.  It doesn’t require any skill.”  Um, thanks?  Anyway, I loved that quote and it tied in with something that’s been on my mind lately, and also coincides with this week’s Blogo topic.

Is life random?  And if time delivers us all to the same end, is that end the destiny we were meant to fulfill?  We cannot escape what we were destined to do, no matter how many – or which – lifetime it takes us.

I don’t think we’re just taking a random walk through life.  I believe our destiny, and the timing of our physical end in the bodies we now possess, were decided before we took our very first breath of air.  Our past, our purpose and our future are written in the stars, predetermined by God or Fate.  Many of us spend our entire lifetime seeking our purpose in life.  Some believe they’ve found it, but perhaps others are living out that purpose without realizing it, that they are in fact doing what they were meant to do. 

Are people born to randomly come into their accomplishments?  Or were they hand-picked by a higher entity to achieve a specific purpose?  Maybe they are born into a new beginning to complete what they hadn’t accomplished in a past life.  What if we’re not assigned to a specific cause, but were placed on this earth to love and guide one specific person?  People talk of soulmates.  I have a hard time believing in soulmates in the sense that two lovers reunite in heaven to live out eternity happily ever after.  The term “soulmate” doesn’t necessarily have to equate to eternal romantic coupling.   

Perhaps what it means to be a person’s soulmate doesn’t have anything to do with romance, but rather to be the nurturer and lover (again, not in a physical manner) of a person by connecting with their soul, understanding and meeting the needs of the soul and being a constant presence in their life throughout eternity.  And through our purpose and actions, that person– now or in a future lifetime - achieves their intended purpose.  Just because we don’t see the end result doesn’t mean things didn’t happen exactly as they were intended.  Life carries on in a domino effect, but something before us had to put that first domino into place and strategically lay out each one.  The chain of events is not limited to what our minds accept as fact, nor does it end when our bodies do. 

We are living in this present lifetime, but I don’t believe it’s the only one our souls know.  Every year, from January to December, we’ll have moments to remember.  As the years go by, our minds forget a lot of those moments, but our souls never do. Whether it’s an uncanny sense of deja-vu, or meeting someone that you instantly connect with or swear you met before (was that really random?) or an unexplainable yearning or soul-touching connection to a city or state or country that you’ve never been to before, perhaps there’s a reason for all of that.   

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.  If our purpose and destiny are written in the stars, and stars lie hidden in our soul, and our soul has no beginning and no end, then neither does our journey.  It is in us, but it is bigger than us.  The question is – is it random?  It could be that we are living out life exactly as we were meant to, we just don’t know it yet.

© 2015 Dahlia Ramone

This was written for Blogophilia Week 16.8
Topic:  A Random Walk Through Life
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts)  Use a quote by Mother Teresa
“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.”
(Easy, 1 pt) Include a lyric from one of The Lettermen songs
“January to December, we’ll have moments to remember
from the song ‘Moments to Remember’


  1. You make a great point here, not just in present day, but toward the future. You know, a legacy. All in all, many good points to ponder in this post that will resonate for all who read, but not in the same manner.

    1. There is a lot of pondering that I removed because I felt I was going off on too many tangents and was trying to stay on topic. But the topic just opens up too many possibilities - lol! And I'm sure you and I will be friends well beyond the present day <3

  2. Only we are too far into the forest to see any patterns. So to our mind, it is all random.

    1. Sometimes stepping back is the only way to move forward.

  3. We think we know so much and there are those of us who simply can't believe there is more than what they see and won't believe in what they can't see😳this was an awesome right and I right there with you...random does not exist...everything is part of something and though we may not know the next step ...it isolated certainly "there".

    1. I agree, Demme. If we didn't believe in what we couldn't see and demanded proof of everything before believing it, the world (and life) would become so much smaller. Everything IS part of something. I think there is a method to the madness. Thank you for stopping by :)

  4. Sorry...editing my smartphone comment ...right should read write and isolated should read "is most certainly" there 😊

    1. lol! No worries - I hate when my phone thinks it knows what I want to say. Sometimes it does, but most of the time it's just wrong and annoying. I can't edit from my phone either.

    2. A wonderful piece to ponder. I agree. Our paths are predestined. We just don't know it....... yet we walk it. Random? Yeah. I don't think so. I also agree about the soulmate, not limited to being a lover. Life is indeed an experience! Love the way you used the challenge this week, dollface! Huggs!! -Leta

    3. Thanks, Leta. I was actually discussing the concept of life being predetermined and eternal with a friend last week, and was going to write a poem on the topic. Then this Blogo topic happened, and I went into muse mode rather than poet mode - lol! (((hugs)))

  5. wonderful wonderful write...I 100% agree with every random thought you penned up there. :)

    1. *Smiles* I knew you'd agree with a lot of it, we've touched on some of this before in conversation. And I believe that you and I have been "neighbors" before.

    2. Most definitely!!

  6. I have many moments of deja vu. I do like your way of thinking!! 8 points, Earthling!!

    -Marvin Martian

    1. Those feeling of deja vu are always so surreal. I don't have them often, but they really are almost like an out of body experience. Thanks for the points, Marvin ;)

  7. I have experienced deja vu myself and also believe we have more than one lives; very good thoughts to reflect upon

    1. You know, Linda, sometimes I think that our great phobias or fears are tied into a past life. Like I have a fear of heights (more specifically, falling from a great height). Makes me wonder if didn't fall to my death in a past life. We're connected to so many things that we'll never know about.

  8. Wonderfully wise indeed. Thanks so much for the eloquent food for thought.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. It's always nice to see you here :)

  9. I fall somewhere in between - I do believe that there some choice; not all destiny in life. At the same time I have a hard time imaging it could be all random

    1. It certainly would be nice to know for sure, wouldn't it?

  10. You make some great points here, Dollface! Definitely lots to ponder.


  11. I'm a believer as well that everything happens for a reason. We may not understand it at the time... hell, we may never come to understand some of the things that happen to us in our lives. I have constantly felt steered by something/someone to make certain choices in my life. It's kind of eerie but kind of cool to think about! HUGS Dollface

    1. I've had a few close calls in life where I genuinely felt my Guardian Angel was stepping in. Those times make me think that my number's not up yet (which I think we're all born with) and that there are things that I was meant to do but hadn't done yet. It's all part of a Master Plan ;)

  12. The book The Celestine Prophecy had the concept that every experience is connected and nothing is by chance, if I remember right..it was a very long time since I read it. I enjoyed reading these words of wisdom!

    1. Sounds like an interesting book, Jessica, I may need to look into it. I'm glad you enjoyed my musings :)

  13. Excellent question

  14. I don't know if it's the truth, but it's what I believe. I guess that makes it truth to me - lol!

    Thanks, Diana :)
