Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Welcome to my Nightmare"

So I’ve had this recurring nightmare over the past ten(ish) years.  I haven’t had one of them in a while and I’ve never made a dream journal (which I’ve always wanted to do but, frankly, am too lazy to keep one), so I don’t recall exactly when I had them or what precipitated each one, but it’s the only theme that I’ve had on a recurring, albeit sporadic, basis.

Those of you who know me, know that I have a touch of arachnophobia.  Those of you who don’t know me, should know that “a touch of” is a blatant understatement.  Spiders freak me out.  Seeing one gives me goosebumps, sends my heart racing and makes the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand straight up.  When I see them outside, I make a very wide berth when getting around them.  When I see them inside, I call on whoever I can to kill them for me – I’ve interrupted my boss from work when I spotted one on the moulding above my office door and I was afraid to walk underneath it to leave my office (bet he never expected to have an employee buzz him on the phone and frantically say “omg there’s a big creepy spider in my office and you need to come kill it now!”).  I’ve also called my sister and made her drive across town because there was a *huge* spider who made itself at home in the bush on the corner of my front porch, and I had to run past it to get to my front door (in my defense, you could see that sucker from the street).  Then there was the time, around 11:00 p.m. on a school night, when I went into the garage to get my drawing pad and a huge spider dropped out of it and landed on the metal part of the doorway separating the garage from the hallway.  I could not jump over it to get into the house because the irrational part of my brain couldn’t comprehend the rational possibility that the spider wasn’t likely to leap straight up and attack me two feet off the ground (and yes, it was still alive).  So I stood trapped in the garage and yelled upstairs for the kids to come down to help.  What ensued was an assessment of the situation by the kids (“geez! That’s an UGLY spider!”), confirmation from me (“yeah, no shit!”), and a lengthy Destroy (spider) and Rescue (me) Mission that involved an air soft rifle, a shovel (because no one wanted to pick up the dead spider with a paper towel) and cell phones (because the kids, of course, wanted to document the mission).  Anyway, you get it now.

So in these dreams, I am about to move into a new house – my dream house.  The exact details, floorplans etc. of the house are always a little different but the house is always big, very spacious with lots of room, and rooms.  I’ve always dreamed of having a big house.  But in these dreams, there’s always something that prevents me from moving in, and it’s always spiders; the dreams then turn into breath-stealing nightmares.  In one, as soon as I opened the front door and stepped through, the entire living room was overrun with huge spider webs dripping from every inch of the ceiling, several feet in length.  The room was dark, spiders in shadows created by their own trappings, and the air was thick with fear.  I couldn’t breathe and in fact, was jolted awake by my racing heartbeat.

Another time, I was about to move into a very cute two-story house.  It was the middle of the afternoon, a beautiful day with a warm, shining sun.  I entered through the back door into the kitchen, a beautiful, white and inviting room.  Then off the kitchen there was one of those pull-down ladders, which led to a small bedroom loft upstairs.  As I was climbing the ladder I envisioned warm sunlight streaming through a cozy window.  Instead, the room was filled with spiders and I practically fell down the ladder rushing to get down.  I ran out of the house, terrified to go back in.

The other time that I can recall off the top of my head, was the dream where I was moving into a huge house – I mean crazy huge: multiple floors and in each central hallway, there was a door that opened up to a different hallway and more rows of doors.  It appeared never-ending and there was so much of the house that I wanted to explore.  There was one “clean” floor, but when I stepped out of that doorway and looked up toward the rows of floors with their closed doors, all I felt was this intense, heavy trepidation.  I couldn’t venture up to any of them because each one of those floors all had an ominous vibe coming from them, and I knew without looking that they were all dark, spider- and web-infested chambers.

 Welcome to my nightmare. 

 I suppose in real life, there’s some correlation between the spiders and my elusive dream house.  The spiders represent a deep fear of something (other than actual spiders, though that fear is real enough) and I don’t think the “dream house” actually represents a house in the structural sense.  Some other ‘dream’ or goal, perhaps?  What does it really mean?  *shrugs*  I have no idea.  But I imagine I won’t be contacting a realtor anytime soon...


This was written for Blogophilia:

 Blogophilia Week 4.8 Topic:  In Shadows
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts)  Incorporate a recurring nightmare
(Easy, 1 pt)  Use a lyric or quote by Alice Cooper
(“Welcome to my Nightmare”)






  1. The mind is such amazing field.
    Our fears are recurrent, our minds make sure of that.
    Scary creatures, us.

    1. It's been said, that we are our own worst enemy. *nodding*

      I love you to the m00n and back <3

  2. Replies
    1. I do not like them, near or far. I do not like them, wherever they are - lol!

  3. I don't much care for spiders myself. Commander K does a fantastic job keeping them at bay. "They" seem to fascinate him! 8 points, Earthling!!

    I would say that big huge houses may represent some big and wonderful in the future, and the "fear" of spiders, perhaps a hesitation. :)

    -Marvin & Gang

    1. Perhaps I could hire Commander K to eradicate them for me? We all know my cats are pretty worthless - lol!

  4. Ironically, I am reading this while talking to Alia, who took great joy in tormenting me with spiders, in her stories past... As such, I feel your pain.

    Do you still keep an extra can of Aqua Net on hand to do battle with the eight legged demons?

    1. Funny you should mention that, Michael. I actually thought of Alia while I was writing a different take on this topic (which I'll post next. You won't like it much, but she may love it) :)

      And yes, you never know when that Aqua Net will come in handy. The smart move would be to buy stock in the company - lol!

  5. hate the little creatures myself, seems as though they love to bite me , always on lookout for black widows

    1. Oh, black widows are the epitome of evil, Linda! *shudders*.

  6. OK, this is my fourth time typing this damned comment so it had better stick. I'm the spider killer in my house and I don't mind so much. My thought on your dream is that something you're afraid of (spiders) is keeping you from your dreams (dream house.)

    1. Oh I hate when comments disappear. I always copy before posting (learned that the hard way). There's a quote by Chaka Khan that I had on my fridge for a long time. It was "learn to get out of your own way." That's something I need to work on.

  7. Great blog! You're so humorous I just laughed through the whole story; not at your fear of course, but the way you tell the tale.

    1. I guess that's the writer coming through - lol! It's easy to laugh about it now, but I was not laughing then, as you can imagine :O

      Thanks, Linda, it's always good to know I'm entertaining :)

  8. OMG!!! This is awesome! Laughing at the thought of you buzzing your boss to come kill that spider, lol!!!

    Your recurring nightmares are pretty wild. I don't like spiders either, but I have a bigger fear/dread of roaches. They literally make me SCREAM and yell for hubby to come kill them. While living in Florida, I encountered huge ones....always while getting out of the shower! And I mean HUGE -- the size of your head....and they fly! *shuddering* Thanks for the smiles this morning ((((DOLLFACE))))!!!

    1. Oh Colleen, roaches are spiders evil cousins, and my second fear. One time when I worked in Long Beach, I came into work to find a roach underneath my plastic chair mat. I would not go near that mat or my desk until one of the guys came into work to dispose of it. *shudders* I can't imagine giant flying roaches. What is the world coming too?? Love you tons! <3

  9. So how do you feel about Spiders from Mars??


    1. That would be my one exception. It's kind of hard to say 'no' to Bowie
      *Dreamy sighs*

    2. Marvin (and maybe Colleen) are probably glad to hear you don't hate Matian spiders

    3. lol. Yep, Colleen knows that (among many other things) we have a love of Bowie in common :)

  10. So that ^^^ was supposed to have a video....

    1. lol! I was able to see the video. I wish Blogspot would just post them, or make them link-able. But copy and paste works too :)

  11. I'm not a fan of spiders either -- had never seen a black widow spider until moving to California and now have seen my share for sure -- black widows and brown widows and you name it. Wonderful storytelling! As though I'm right there dreaming the same things as I read.

    1. Black widows and wolf spiders are the worst, for sure. I seem to be the most brave with Daddy Long Legs, though they creep me out as well and it makes my skin crawl to get close enough to kill them (and by 'close enough' I mean with the vacuum cleaner and it's longest attachment). *shudders*

  12. Ewww!! I hate spiders!! One time my brother didn't quite catch the spider up in the corner of my room and he couldn't find it when he moved the dresser (that the spider fell behind when he tried to kill it). So I ended up not sleeping in my room till the next day when I could move everything out and vacuum, to the point where I was satisfied that maybe the spider was killed. Ugh!

    -Leta :)

    1. Ive done that too, Leta (so has my daughter!) If we KNOW a spider is in there hiding somewhere, we're out of that room until it's found.

  13. Well, I'm the same way with centipedes. My husband always says I exaggerate the size... But to me, they're so ugly they're terrifying.

    1. omg we have these things called House Centipedes - I never knew they existed before a couple years ago. Those suckers are ugly and FAST! My daughter and I call them monsters. Whenever we see one we're like "quick, get the vacuum, there's a monster on the wall!" *shudders*

  14. Freud believed that spiders represents the mother...

