Sunday, January 15, 2017

Put Your Kilt On (a collab)

~ Put Your Kilt On ~
*Conversation with Christine*
(Live collaboration with Christine Wichman)

Christine and Dahlia are sitting in a pub having a pint when...

Christine: (Ping) (Looks down at text on phone) Put Your Kilt On, My Hopper app just found us a roundtrip flight to Edinburgh for 500 dollars!!

Dahlia: There is so little money in my back account my scenic checks show a ghetto!

Christine: Lose the melancholy, ‘cause at this price I will pay for both of us!! Happy Birthday!

Dahlia: Woo Hoo! We are gonna have some hot fun in the Summer time! (Clinks Beer Glass to Christine’s pint)

Christine: Summer in the city means we can finally go to the Fringe Festival together. You are going to love it! I have not been to the Fringe since the Summer of ‘69! Ha ha!

Dahlia: I have heard there are lots of Buskers, live music, and dancing in the streets!

Christine: Baby, it’s cold outside in Edinburgh, even in the summertime, all my dancing will be inside. Besides, I love the original plays and spoken word poetry. I might sneak in a museum or two.

Dahlia: I heard that on the Royal Mile they have Sidewalk Poetry and you like that!

Christine: Oh yeah, and last time I enjoyed a hot guy’s love letter in a Sidewalk song. Almost made me want to move to Edinburgh! So sure I will go chasing pavements with you!

Dahlia: Oh my God I melt with you just imagining a guy in a kilt singing to me!

Christine: Hey, this used to be my playground. I love the Fraser kilts the best, I wonder which tartan material that is?

Dahlia: Uhh hellooo? “Boyfriend Material”.

Christine: Oh yeah and pack a raincoat, sometimes it rains a lot in August.

Dahlia: Then how can we read chalk marks in a rainstorm?

Christine: Sometimes the chalk outline is just as pretty!

Dahlia: Well I am not gonna just walk around in the rain to look at tar and cement!

Christine: Note to self. Take Dahlia to the Playground Love Reading, if it rains!

Dahlia: What is the Playground Love Reading?

Christine: This year I heard they will be using the playground for Love Poetry readings. Maybe you can even read some of your own? There is still time to sign up.

Dahlia: But then, where do the children play?

Christine: I am sure they will be back in school by then. Only the adults will still have that Summer feeling!

Dahlia: Hopefully I can conquer my writer’s block by then!

Christine: Well you will have plenty of time on the plane to come up with something!

(Dahlia and Christine clink glasses again)

Dahlia: Bring on the Kilts!!

Christine: Yayyyy for Scotland!!
This was written for Blogophilia
Week 48.9 Topic: “Put Your Kilt On”
Hard (2 pts): Quote Phyllis Diller *
Easy (1 pt): Include the word ‘melancholy’
*  There is so little money in my bank account, my scenic checks show a ghetto!
We also used the following song quotes:
1.    Hot fun in the summertime
2.    Summer in the City
3.    Summer of ‘69
4.    Dancing in the Streets
5.    Baby, it’s Cold Outside
6.    Sidewalk Poetry
7.    Love Letter
8.    Sidewalk Song
9.    Chasing Pavements
10.   I Melt With You
11. This Used to be my Playground
12. Chalk Mark in a Rainstorm
13. Chalk Outline
14. Tar and Cement
15.  Note to Self
16. Playground Love
17. Where Do the Children Play?
18. The Summer Feeling
19. Writer’s Block